Save migratory fish in rivers!
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We have compiled a few ways you, your family, friends and loved ones can all get involved to save migratory fish around the world. There is no way we can list every option on this page, so we encourage you to google search organisations in your country working to protect rivers and migratory fish and contact them! If you're interested in learning more, feel free to contact us!
Host a World Fish Migration Day event to educate your community about the importance of migratory fish and free-flowing rivers. Or check out if there is a World Fish Migration Day event hosted near you!
Educate yourself on current local freshwater policies and advocate for free-flowing rivers.
Watch some of these great documentaries to continue to expand your knowledge base about these issues.
Get to know your nearest river by taking a hike or planning a visit to an educational centre.
Volunteer for your local Waterkeeper, riverkeeper or river trust in your country.
Volunteer to pick up trash at your local lake, river, or estuary.
Take advantage of the endless citizen science opportunities to support freshwater research.
Donate to campaigns and NGOs in support of protecting migratory fish and their swimways.
Be aware of the products used in your household that can have an impact on our waterways and fish. If possible, use environmentally friendly products.
Learn where your electricity comes from and, if possible, use renewable energy sources like solar or wind.
Speak out! Push for stronger regulations for new developments and encourage your favourite businesses to use sustainable policies and practices.
Check to make sure you are eating sustainably sourced fish during the correct fishing season. Certifications like MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) and ASC (Aquatic Stewardship Council) indicate the fish is sustainably and responsibly sourced.